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My Story

Like many of you, Motivational Speaker, Author, Mind Body and Spiritual Life Coach and Certified Soft Skills Trainer; Stae Hall at some time or another struggled with knowing how to completely and authentically walk in the purpose that God had for her life. And at times felt as if she was hitting a brick wall in business and not growing at a pace she believed to be satisfactory or achieving the success that she needed in order to feel accomplished. She felt as if she was constantly “Running in Circles” trying to find the direction God was leading her to. As she searched for the answer, she quickly realized that she was not alone in this battle and decided to do what she should have done a long time ago and that was take it to the Lord and let Him speak to her so then He could speak through her and she could begin to assist other women and people in general along their journeys to find success in business and in life. 


So, out of shear determination to help others and a passionate desire to be obedient to God, Stae decided to launch Running 4 UR L.Y.F.E. (Love Yourself First Explicitly) and i.S.A.L.T. (Institute for Success and Leadership Training). These organizations were created to encourage, engage and enhance the lives of others; both personally and businesswise. Stae strives to reach as many people as possible with a message of love, hope, self-worth, confidence, awareness and success.  Her goal is to teach people the skills they need to achieve the success they desire, by using the tools provided through Soft Skills Training and Life Coaching.


In addition to being a passionate Coach, Consultant, Trainer, YouTuber, Author and Motivational Speaker; Mrs. Hall is also the devoted wife of Dr. Wallace L. Hall, Jr. and is blessed to be the loving mother to the couple’s (combined) six children (4 boys and 2 girls) and doting “Mae-Mae” to their 3 “GLAM-babies” she endearingly calls Juicy, Sugie-Momma and Button. Stae enjoys traveling somewhere tropical, taking long trail runs, researching, writing, cooking for her family and watching them thrive through the grace and mercy of our Lord.

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The Story of Stae & Dr. Wallace Hall 

Stae and Wallace Hall are a loving and devoted married couple no different from many of you.  They have had to face many ups and downs in love and relationship and sometimes had to learn lessons of the heart the hard way.   They both married young the first time around and have dealt with the stress, disappointment, and heartache of failed marriages.  Although these experiences may not have been the most pleasant, these two learned how to turn their pain into power and use that power to empower not only themselves, but others as well, and it is that common thread that brought them together.


Dr. and Mrs. Hall decided collectively to dedicate their lives together to couples ministry, where they unselfishly and vulnerably use their stories and experiences to help others not make the same mistakes that they have made in the past or how to pivot, reconnect and reestablish for couples that have already started heading down a dark road.   The Hall’s or Team Hall as they are endearingly called by many, have a shared passion for encouraging, uplifting, educating, and inspiring others to live at their highest selves individually and as a partner in a relationship.  This passion and dedication, along with action, are how TheHallWay was birthed.  The Hall’s don’t claim to have all of the answers, but they do feel as though they have some awesome guidance and advice to offer those in need.  The motto is simply this, “We are not saying that our way is the only way or even the best way for everyone, but it is TheHallWay, and we are confident that a lot of what worked for us, can work for you too!”


Outside of ministering to couples, the Hall’s also own and run a successful Soft Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Career Coaching, and Personal Development Company, iSALT, LLC (Institute for Success and Leadership Training).  Stae is also the Owner and Founder of the Non-Profit Organization, Running 4 Ur L.Y.F.E. (Love Yourself First Explicitly), where the focus is on uplifting, encouraging, inspiring, and coaching women over 40, helping them to tap into their passion and purpose. The pair also serves on several Non-Profit Boards and are extremely active in their city and community.  During their downtime, Stae and Wallace thoroughly enjoy traveling, celebrating holidays and milestones, and investing as much quality time as possible in their children, grandchildren, close family, and friends. 

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